Review of Calypso

Star Trek: Short Treks: Calypso (2018)
Season 1, Episode 2
It's getting better,but...
10 November 2018
Well, Michael Chabon makes his debut in the Star Trek franchise with this episode (he is one of the people behind the new Picard show,in case if you don't know).The episode is better than the first one,but,i expected to see something more different ,with more mystery ,in the X-files style,i wanted to see a ship or a city,or even more information about the Federation,because this is the first trek (semi) episode which is taking place in the future ,beside the ones from Star Trek Enterprise ,about Enterprise J and Temporal Wars.Offcourse, there is the story of the old Spock from Star Trek 2009 , but everything takes place in the past.I think the love story is a little too forced,the ship's A.I. evolving to think like a girl,even if she is alone in space for about 1000 years is ridiculous.I espected something more darker,but once again,everything is for girls and ..delicate guys only.Another thing very wrong in this episode are the DSC circus costumes,for god's sake dear producers,before making a space or a military uniform please ask an old B5\DS-9 fan or a guy from their creative team how they should look like,because they are EXPERTS.Just like the team behind Star Trek Enterprise ,those guys don't know how to create things which are looking similar with the ones from the other Trek series.Discovery is the worst incarnation of a Star Trek series even if the series is getting better.By the way,i like they know what was wrong with the previous music scenes,because i don't think RnB music will resist in time as a classic style,actually i think it is the only music genre which will be completely forgotten so stop whining about why the Klingons are looking like a bunch of heavy-metal rockers or like some classic D.J.s,because i assure you , Sinatra,Michael Jackson,The Beatles ,Nirvana or Jean Michel Jarre will be remembered .
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