8 November 2018
I'm surprised by how much of a mess this film was. Rogue Nation was practically a perfect Mission Impossible that had both great espionage intrigue and grounded action scenes, but Fallout is just all high-wire stunts.

There are a few good moments with telegraphed clever twists, but it doesn't have an interesting and cohesive mission with fun heists or ops. It's mostly non-stop action, some of which, like the helicopter chase at the end of the film, is so over the top it breaks immersion.

The tone can be inconsistent at times too. Rogue Nation did a great job a juggling the comedy with the drama, but in Fallout the transitions between the two are jaw-droppingly awkward.

I was hopeful that Henry Cavill would be a cool character, but he actually has very little to do and doesn't really live up to the promise of a strong and equally capable foe.

Overall I was fairly disappointed and would rank this MI among the worst of the franchise, possibly below MI3.

If you like the Mission Impossible franchise there are enjoyable elements, but I'd caution against expecting a masterpiece like Rogue Nation. Heck, I dare say that MI2, with all its camp and John Woo silliness, is better than Fallout.
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