Review of Geostorm

Geostorm (2017)
Terrible flick but for Butler and Sturgess & cast
7 November 2018
I always love manly Butler even in bad movies like this one. Sturgess was new to me but he was so good I'll have to look for him in future. Others in the cast were fine too. I'd have rated the story itself a zero but for the cast for you can't blame a fine cast when they act out the bad script they're given, and this was really bad, not even remotely true science fiction just totally laughable fantasy but worse. It was appropriate for the intro and exit to be voiced by a child in view of the absurd, childish, fact-free, delusions of godhood, enviro-wacko basis for the nonsense too ridiculous to describe. One reviewer laughably groundlessly condemned America being the savior in the film in view of her allegedly deficient environmental bona fides, the usual silly hypocritical, virtue-signaling accusation in the fact-free fantasy of mindless green hate-America bigotry that gives a pass to real polluters like China while condemning America's proven superiority in environmental responsibility. It's the proven incompetence of greens that promotes various insufficient "renewable" power like solar and wind power while conveniently ignoring its proven pollution contaminating the environment, any lie or omission to promote the power mad agenda.
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