Unfortunately a Narrative Mess 😞
4 November 2018
Visually pleasing and technically well executed enough, this Chinese animation started off with loads of promises but very soon fall into a narrative mess with no meaningful nor discernible plot flow, with characters introduced from nowhere then uncerimoniously dropped for no reason.

Character motivation is at best flimsy and perplexing to the point the viewer no longer has any motivation to stay engaged.

Very unfortunate this animation was decimated by the egoistic desire to show off the visual technicalities with scan attention paid to a meaningful plot with characters who can engage viewers ... instead what we have is a pointless rainbow of visuals and memes which go nowhere.

And to then get the usual bunch of paid 10* hustler-reviewers to put in their cheap adoration ... just salt into wound :(

What a missed opportunity! 😭😭😰😡😠🙁
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