Demain si j'y suis (2016–2017)
1 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
By the end of this short film (14 minutes), you whole heartedly agree with the title.

1st-Non Actor/Creative stuff. This film is a great film. This is a really good Horror film. A good Horror French film. It started out with a nice movie feel and by 5 minutes in, you realize that this is a great film. Intellectually stimulating and intriguing through and through. The story pacing is great. The story is very engaging and worth every second of the 14-minute real life separation. The original music or (Musique Originale) by John Kaced was a great selection to continue to engage and keep one engaged with the unfolding story. Sheesh (that's for the story)! BRAVO! BRAVO!

Premise Note: This is a simple story incredibly told Patients visiting their Doctors. That's it. Tigers, Lions and Bears Oh my! The story twists are heart -breaking.

Now-Actor/Creative/Filmmaking Stuff. This film started out with a montage of Patients being scanned for Healthcare reasons. This helped to ground the film and #KeepItReal. After the initial scan, we are off to "consult" with their "Medical Advisor" (huh?)

The Medical Advisor was one-part Doctor, one-part Insurance Agent, one-part Scanner/I.T. Specialist, all parts scary. No suspension of disbelief here. The Actor portrayals/choices were very strong. The Director added incredible timing and gravitas through their directions. The Director brought the story to a heightened edge without not using scare tactics but by intellect, humor and intelligent design to move linearly and logically to the conclusion.

Other stuff: Love the date of these stories, 13_01_2049 and the name of the Scanner-Sherlock. Nice touch! After going through Sherlock, Patients and Doctors dialogue about their Health Status and their Health Solutions/treatments. My Goodness! Sheesh!

At this point of the reading, please revisit the Premise Note. You have constantly remind yourself of that premise. It's the thing that I love about this piece. I loved that I was constantly reminded of the International Crisis known as Healthcare. I loved that the Director and Film-maker used music, silence, camera-stillness, shoulder shrugs and extreme eye-contact to tell this wonderful, beautiful, poignant but scary story with Minority Report screens.

I bet this film was hard to make but was a fun story to tell. Bravo! Bravo to the story-tellers here (that's anybody connected to this, including the Actors). Can we get here with our Healthcare Industry? God I hope not but with what we see today Healthcare2025 in real life might parallel this movie dated 2049.

Conclusion: Life is Strange but Healthcare is Strange (as in Stranger Things (TM) strange). Wink...Wink.
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