Guilt by Association
1 November 2018
After having been placed on probation for associating with certain disreputable characters found guilty of criminal activities, "Helen Roberts" (Margot Grahame) is only too happy to go back to work as a waitress at a restaurant in San Francisco named Torre's Fish Palace. It's at this time that a new customer named "Martin Rhodes" (Gordon Jones) appears and reserves one of her tables for several nights and in the process he becomes quite smitten with her. What she doesn't know is that Martin is there to meet a person seeking to rent his schooner for a job carrying an unknown cargo to a destination yet to be divulged. Unfortunately, it soon becomes apparent that other unsavory individuals are extremely interested in meeting Martin's mysterious business client as well and they are willing to do whatever is necessary to make that happen. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that, although it was rather short (approximately 57 minutes), this turned out to be a decent crime-drama all the same. Of course, having been filmed over 80 years ago one has to make certain allowances but all things considered I thought it was worth the time spent and I have rated it accordingly. Average.
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