Pete's Dragon (2016)
A Magical Masterpiece
1 November 2018
"Pete's Dragon" had me glued to the screen from beginning to end and was in a word, flawless. While I have read many reviews calling it "appalling" and "a waste of time," I found it rather beautiful.

The story line, while cheesy and cliche, took me on an adventure through friendship, love and heartache. As an adult, I cried from beginning to end and took a journey back into my childhood, reconnecting with my long-forgotten imagination and I found myself believing in magic again.

The cinematography was brilliantly done. The camera angles and movements added a new element to the adventure and depicted the emotional element really well. The music was also expertly chosen as it awakened your emotions and added to the magical connection between Pete and his dragon, Elliot.

The choice of acting talent was also brilliantly done. Little Oakes Fegley was brilliant in his role as Pete and is definitely one to look out for in future films. His portrayal of a 'feral" child was flawless and his endearing spirit could be felt throughout the film.

Another acting talent worth mentioning is Bryce Dallas Howard who played Grace, the forest ranger. She is one of the few actresses who portrays her characters with grace and poise and seems to treat them with the respect they deserve. Her portrayal of Grace was flawless and she epitomized her character's love for the forest and empathy for Pete's situation beautifully.

The CGI animation was beautifully done, in my opinion and I imagine that a lot of love and effort went into creating such a stunning creature. Elliot, the dragon, was both relatable and magical. For that, I would like to thank Disney for bringing him to life and for treating him with the respect he deserves.

I would however advise parents to watch the movie before allowing their children to watch it as some scenes may be disturbing for them. Consequently, I would recommend that children younger than 8 years old not be allowed to watch the film as they cannot distinguish between fantasy and reality yet and may be traumatised as a result.

All in all, I thoroughly enjoyed the film and highly recommend it to anyone who would like to escape from the world for a while.
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