Review of Home Alone

Home Alone (2017–2018)
Ridiculous Camera Shots of Interviews
31 October 2018
We understand the need to have survivors, family members and friends speaking throughout the show. But come ON, what's up with the smaltzy stage setups for these interviews? The one with Haley kept showing her brother speaking, with the camera viewing him from OUTSIDE a window, and the windows blinds partially obscuring his body, and his body/face were pointing off to the side. WTF. Very amateurish. Other interviews show the person facing 90 degrees away from the TV viewer. They are speaking to US. Why does the video director have a camera on their profile? There was another episode where the interviewee was filmed from a distance, facing sideways away from the TV viewer. They kept showing her like this. How plain stupid. These gimmicky shots are a deal breaker. I'm done watching this show. When a person who's involved with the crime is telling a story, I want them to be facing ME, the viewer, not some unseen spot out of camera range.
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