28 October 2018
Re-entry was an ok sometimes good sci-fi thriller but wasn't no where near as BRILLIANT as the classic first but it never was going to be as Re-entry was made on an even lower budget & a straight to video movie but it had some cool moments & fights but it was really nice seeing Lambert back as Brennick as that is the best character he's ever played in my opinion!!! I always knew Lambert from Fortress not Highlander like most!!! So yeah Re-entry is an ok sequel but just not rewatchable like the Amazing 1992 classic!!! Has some moments but the fx are too cheap looking & the main bad guy of the new space prison was Terrible & stupid & boring & the whole film is dull as there's no real scary danger or brutality like the first film had or that great music score or that great 90's atmosphere it was lacking in all of that. Now Christopher Lambert was good none of this is his fault & he acts fine but his excellent character Brennick just isn't in an exciting suspense film like that original so can't blame Lambert. I liked the start with Brennick living & hiding out in the forest with his wife & boy & the how he had an escape route under his house that was all really cool & like i said it was nice seeing Lambert back as Brennick. Good (in bits) but not Great
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