A Star was Always Here
28 October 2018
And the Oscar goes to...!!! This is the first thing that will come up to your mind once you have finished watching this treasure of a movie. The second thing is guessing the category, and I bet you will go for all of them.

This movie is the fourth version of the same story, where each of the ways it has been told (each one of them) has something different that identifies itself: #1. The original version wasn't a musical, #2. Was something Over the Rainbow, with Judy Garland on it, #3. Felt like you were at Woodstock and rock and rolling and #4. It feels like a real story adapted to today's times.

Bradley Cooper directs, produces, writes, acts, sings and performs. He is simply fantastic on his role as a singer who is going through a rough path. That is, until his path crosses with the one of Lady Gaga. Then, you forget about him and sorely focus on her. All your attention is drawn to her, because she is the movie. She is basically playing herself, and it is here, while you are watching this movie, that you truly realize what an amazing singer she is (even more if you are not a fan of her work) and also that she is not a bad actress. On the contrary, she can act, and if you think that as she is playing a singer role it's easy for her, go watch the fifth season of American Horror Story and check for yourself what she can really do in front of the camera.

Then (of course) there is the music. The forever actor in this kind of movies. Real, up to date music. It doesn't mind if you are not into country or pop music, you will definitely enjoy this movie and once you leave the theatre, you will go to get the movie's soundtrack as soon as possible. If you still haven't had the chance to watch this film, what are you waiting for? Go watch it, and then you can wait with the rest of us until the Oscar nominees are announced early next year.
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