Jour de Fête (1949)
Tour de Poste
27 October 2018
The title of this lop-sided production is highly misleading, which is why I've substituted my own. Before watching this colour version I felt sure I'd seen the film in black and white, in about 1949. All I seemed to remember was the postman leaping on his tethered bike, cycling away, and being jerked to a standstill. But somehow it didn't look at all the same when I saw it in colour just now. Are the two versions identical in content ?

Anyway, the film has little to do with the fate worse than death. Unusually for Tati, who has here a nearly normal walk, it has something which is almost a plot, which is that Tati sets out to demonstrate that he is the equal of American postal practices, employing planes, helicopters and the rest. Needless to say, he fails, but his French failure is preferable for those members of humanity with endearing values. End of story. I didn't think it was much good, but it foreshadowed Hulot's sublime holiday. Holidays have no plots; they just are. And so are fêtes. Good shots of happy children.
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