Review of Game Night

Game Night (I) (2018)
Sure, it's Stupid - It Needs to Be.
27 October 2018
I think the negative comments here are, in total, a bit over the top. This isn't a comedy to be studied by film students for a hundred years but it's not terrible either. It's a go at that tried and true 1930's format: the screwball or mix up comedy.

Yeah, the people are idiots but they have to be to be drawn into the mix up. We even have a mild virtue signal that nobody in the film seems to have ever seen a firearm before because, you know, even if they'll save the day, guns are evil and must be confiscated except from police and military. A guy gets severely shot but doesn't seem to be all that inconvenienced by it even if it leaks blood at a rate which would end up killing him in a short while.

My point is you simply need to calmly go with it accepting it at face value rather than thinking you'd never do such dopey stuff so it's annoying to see others do it too. If you think on it, smart =/= comedy.
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