Taking wanted love
27 October 2018
A good deal made me want to see 'Until They Sail'. A fine director in Robert Wise, who directed two of my favourite films ('West Side Story' and 'The Sound of Music', is that going to be a popular opinion here?), a cast full of great actors (Paul Newman, Jean Simmons, Joan Fontaine), some interesting themes, my love for classic film and an equally interesting idea for a story.

While it was not mind-blowing or perfect, neither will it be one of my favourites any time soon, 'Until They Sail' was still a well done film with many great things, that had emotional impact, was brave in how it portrayed its themes, made the most out of its story and far from wasted its talent. Not the best work of all involved but all come off well. More one of those appreciated it rather than loved it ones.

'Until They Sail' is a little overwrought at times as could have done with a little less talk.

Also found the outcome of the Piper Laurie and Wally Cassell subplot forced and a jarring note in a film that otherwise was anything but. The odd pacing lull here and there, but a vast majority of the time the pace is measured but seldom dull.

However, there is nothing to fault the cast. Fontaine and Simmons give sensitive, deeply felt performances and Newman's is one of his better ones of his early career, comfortable and intensely cool. Piper Laurie's accent may stick out somewhat but her acting is committed and rich in emotion, while Sandra Dee is more than credible. Wise directs superbly.

Visually, 'Until They Sail' is beautifully and cleverly shot with some striking and vivid locations. The script is thought-provoking and remarkably daring in its sophistication-filled and not over-serious handling of themes seldom explored in film at this point, giving it much humanity. The story is mostly sympathetic and poignant, avoiding getting too over the top in melodrama, not easy to do with the subject and topics explored. The characters are realistically written.

In conclusion, well done and interesting, with few stumbling blocks and many great things. 7/10 Bethany Cox
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