Despite being decades past the LOVING incident . . .
26 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
. . . America still hasn't caught up to ONE DROOPY KNIGHT. In the sordid, salacious salad of Hollywood sleaze and smut, Droopy's smirk as he handles his post-coital cigar in his final "lap dog" scene with the human princess definitely connotes MORE than "just a smoke." Jerzy Kosinski tried his best to popularize inter-species assignations for a squeamish American Public with his seminal novel THE PAINTED BIRD, but a God-fearing nation could not stomach such "Eurotrash" Art. (On the Big Screen, Ms. "L.S. Boreman" attempted to score with a live-action ONE DROOPY KNIGHT remake over the objections of her co-star Rin-Tin-Tin, earning only a prominent spot in the PETA Hall of Shame.) One could argue that certain primates are likelier to gain acceptance as kosher human paramours than canines ever will, but don't tell that to M-G-M's animation department. Though this Band of Hypocrites did more to uphold America's "Jim Crow" agenda in the 1900s than any other movie studio with its feature film fare, they saw no inconsistency with promoting mixed-species marriages when churning out such kids' fare as ONE DROOPY KNIGHT. (And if Mr. Kosinski got his biology right, such a pairing would be anything but droopy!)
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