Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Defector (1990)
Season 3, Episode 10
A defector from Romulus
22 October 2018
While patrolling the neutral zone the Enterprise runs across a Romulan scout ship racing through the zone to Federation territory and being pursued by one of the Romulan formidable war birds. It's carrying a defector as it turns out a high ranking admiral.

James Sloyan is on the scout ship and he's transported aboard the Enterprise filled with all sorts of vital information. After this it becomes a contest between Sloyan and Captain Picard as to what is going on here.

If you can picture in your mind some of the best Cold War spy novels about defectors than you have what is going on with Sloyan and Patrick Stewart. Is Sloyan for real or some kind of plant? We can't just take him at his word or can we? Do we investigate his story about secret Romulan bases in the neutral zone or wait? All these things come into play as the Enterprise becomes a flashpoint for a possible war.

Sloyan gives a good performance as the 'defector'. Best are his scenes with Michael Dorn and as Picard and Riker observes he does have a good command of Klingon cuss words.

Wonder what he called him?
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