Doctor Who: The Next Doctor (2008)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
Rip-roaring adventure with heart, classic Who!
21 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
'The Next Doctor' sees a triumphant return to form after the somewhat overblown and cluttered two-parter of The Stolen Earth/Journey's End, which preceded it.

There was many things to like about this episode. We start off with The Doctor in a very unique place in his life, with no companions to bounce off or converse with to share his ideas and theories. Still his exuberant self, he answers to the call of his name, at the same time David Morrissey comes on the scene.

This pre-credits scene immediately sets the tone of the episode, with a cracking interplay between the two leads, an exciting variation on the classic monster design through the cloaked cat-like Cybershades, and the backdrop of Victorian London perfectly capturing the essence of Yuletide.

Morrissey's performance is very heartfelt, and he provides the warmth and soul of a tortured man with a shrouded past, which unravels throughout the episode. Indeed, his character development as he finds his true self, coupled with the uplifting ending when he invites The Doctor for dinner, is certainly the most joyous and satisfying resolution of all the Christmas specials.

It's those final few minutes which proves there is redemption for The Doctor, after his heart's been broken almost beyond repair.

David Tennant once again gives a massively rewarding and enthusiastic performance, which showcases his best aspects; the action hero who balances emotional heft with a joyous gleeful buoyancy. It's this juggling of the multiple facets to The Doctor's character which reminds you how he so easily slipped into the role like a glove.

As for the villains, the reappearance of the Cyberman in old London town almost elicits a certain steampunk element, which is most evident when the orphaned children are forced into slave labour to build the monstrous Cyberking, all wheezing cogs and machinery bellowing out.

The set and costume design is handsomely mounted, and lends a very distinctive look to 'The Next Doctor'. This is encapsulated in the graveyard scene where the stark reds of Miss. Hartigan's clothing contrasts sharply against the drained blacks and greys of the rest of the congregation. As the Cybermen emerge from the misty snow, it's a terrifying sight which highlights their cold and oppressive presence.

We're treated to a thrilling and crowd-pleasing finale in the exhilarating climax, as The Doctor ascends into the sky to confront the fully-functional Cyberking. His defeat of the monster, followed by the cheer and jubilation of the townspeople below, is a rousing and enlivening close to what's been one of the most impressive episodes of Doctor Who in recent years.

It just goes to show it's not all about spectacle and bluster. 'The Next Doctor' is an affectionate celebration of the character, and is an electrifying opener to David Tennant's last leg in the role.
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