Doctor Who: The Ghost Monument (2018)
Season 11, Episode 2
Far better than the naysayers would have you believe
20 October 2018
It's quite obvious by the 1's and 2's given by many folks, these are the same angry boys that the Doctor is female.

It's like when a bunch of angry, politicized people slam a restaurant on Yelp for whatever reason.


The story was not too bad. It was not as fast-paced as episode 1, but this episode was more about character development imo.

There was a couple of weak moments with Jodi as she's still getting her feet under her. It was odd seeing the Doctor so lost. Vulnerable almost.

I have a suspicion, that like every other iteration, the series will be more about the companions influence on the Doctor.

Special effects and setting was nice. A cute twist in the middle that while somewhat predictable was fun.

The guest stars were fun if lightweight.

I think something the negative reviewers are forgetting, is that there was a deliberate attempt to aim for a younger audience (young adult).

I don't agree with that decision, but it's not mine to make.
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