Review of The Purge

The Purge (2018–2019)
It started off well - by episode 7 the writers must have fell asleep
20 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I started off really liking this series, it wasn't my favourite show to watch but it had my interest, a few nitpicky things occasionally caught my attention but nothing to really ruin it, but once little things mount up it just shows a problem with the writing of the show, which has let it down.

At first I liked Miguel's storyline, we're thrown straight into it and he has clear motivations that anybody with a young sibling they care about would understand. The actor has a solid performance the first few episodes and his scenes kept me interested. Once I got to see who the villains would be I got more interested, Stanton makes a good villain, and David played by William Baldwin was really saving the show for me mid season with the acting and how much I hated his character, I was invested in seeing him punished.

However, they killed all the villains by episode 7, and have left me uninterested in watching, without any clear indication who the main villain is, and how all the characters are going to connect to each other, I can see a rushed ending coming. Killing William Baldwin's character so quickly, was a bad move.Killing Stanton (off screen death, could be alive) so quickly, again just kills it for me.

The runners of the show also clearly do not know what 'lockdown' means, it means nobody gets in, nobody gets out. They make a point of characters having "state of the art security" but then anyone with a Phillips head screwdriver or some c4 can get in. At one point, the shutters go down in one of the main characters houses, he says nobody can get in. Literally a few scenes later, the neighbour is breaking into his house via the window! Very secure. It's little inconsistencies like this that mount up and become hard to ignore to anyone with a common sense.

Having not been a big fan of the movies, I didn't go into this series with high expectations. I was first exposed to the franchise when Rick & Morty parodied it, and frankly I think they did a better job in that one episode than the franchise has with 3 movies and a series.
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