Review of 305

305 (2008)
Don't turn off after only five minutes.
18 October 2018
So much better than the over produced Meet The Spartans. I had to watch more than 5 minutes to see that this is somewhat a perfect movie in a sense. It feels like a parody dreamed up by 12-15 year old boys in their backyard boys only tree club house. No big name trashy actors to muddy the image. No big special effects. No big overproduction on sets. The Persians made up language is stereotypical of what a young American English speaking teenage boy imagines middle eastern languages. The silly props are great. The simple character development is deep enough to add credibility. A little potty humor, but no raunch that drives movies like Sausage Party or other slob movies that only get ratings for being gross and pervertedly edgy. Throughoughly loved the anachronistic nature of the movie as well. A good flick to watch on a rainy Saturday afternoon. Always nice to find these hidden silly gems.
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