"You can't steal from me - it's a sin!"
17 October 2018
Illegal immigrant smuggling isn't a plot line that turns up too often in Spaghetti Westerns, but it turns up here. A bad guy named Fargo is sending cheap labour over the border into Texas and treats the workers like they are worth less than cattle, as we witness when a carriage full of migrant workers is thrown over a cliff when a Yankee patrol spots them. Fargo, who has black and white flashbacks to being mistreated as a child by some white guys, is also at odds with a kind Mexican lady who wants to take care of her people.

Fargo's number might be up due to the appearance of a couple of bounty hunters; The good natured but deadly Anthony Steffen, who starts off by gunning down the bandit Sartana. The other bounty hunter is the not-so-good natured William Berger, a milk drinking preacher with a seven barrelled rifle who hunts down and kills a few wanted villians but is willing to meet up with Sartana to take down Fargo's gang, where there's a fair price on most of their heads.

There's a slight sub-plot involving the Mexican smuggling racket being exposed (where Mariangela Giordano gets a few shots in) but everything really boils down to Steffen and Berger taking on scores of Fargo's men in various situations, with a few double crosses thrown in for good measure (William Berger gets ripped off at one point and runs around screaming "C'mere! You can't steal from me - it's a sin!"). The plot might be the usual, but director Garrone throws in loads of weird camera angles and trippy visuals. It's a good companion piece to his Django The Bastard, and makes me wonder why he would go on to bore us to death with the horror films Lover of the Monster and The Hand that Feeds the Dead.

I'll watch anything with William Berger in it mind you. He's always got a cheeky look on his face, even when gunning down scores of bad guys.
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