Noel Fielding's lost in the Field of Noel...
15 October 2018
Noel Fielding was so absurd & crass it was refreshng but this show proves without an anchor like Barratt (that played Howard Moon) from the Mighty Boosh, & the other writers from Boosh,Noel drifts off into the wilderness. Some think it genius but if you have to work hard at thinking why you enjoy something just to like it, well your just enjoying the fact you think you like it. I'm the last person to wish to write anything bad of Noel because I loved his outlandish colors and rock n roll weirdness being a punk rocker/metalhead (to be short aout it) that enjoys many weird and outlandish in-saneness of all sorts. I'm really not being closed minded or easily put off there just isn't anything wild or humorous about this except for the fact he got a major corporation to play this for the masses got payed a grip for it, & has highfalutin snobs praising his dribble! It more or less is a practical joke on societies BS not to mention he named it Luxury Comedy. So, I suspect I am having a bit of a laugh from this series as Noel may very well be having, but it's not the same ones the bougie ass-faces are having that proclaim this Genius Psychedelic Beauty! Shove off! ✌ Right into Noel's rancid Fields Forever!✌
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