Review of Chuecatown

Chuecatown (2007)
Bemusing crazy comedy plenty of humor , antics , frolics , embarrassing scenes , and mayhem
11 October 2018
Typical Spanish comedy of the 2000s with crazy situations , entertainment , amusement and it results to be acceptable. In BOYSTOWN (Chuecatown), Victor (Pablo Puyol) is a real estate agent in the quickly gentrifying neighborhood of Chueca in Madrid. But he hides a grisly secret; he is a nasty murderer who murders people , when apartments become available for sale, then he kills the elderly women owners and disguises them as suicides , in order to attempt to transform the neighborhood into a hip gayborhood like the Castro in San Francisco and Chelsea in New York. The latest victim is the elderly woman next door apartment to gay couple Leo (Pepón Nieto) and Rey (Carlos Fuentes) who eventually inherit the apartment and hands it over as a gift to Antonia, his mother Antonia (Concha Velasco) . But Victor only wants high income gays to move in and he starts a scheme to remove Antonia from the premises . Later on , the cunning Inspector Mila (Rosa Maria Sardà) and her charmingly clueless son Luis (Eduardo Soto) are assigned by their chief to investigate the murders . Meanwhile , Victor will seduce Leo in order to gain access to his apartment so he can kill Concha Velasco .

Funny and amusing situations to give us a decent movie plenty of fun happenings , absurd incidents and many other things ; and that , at least , kept me entertained for the almost half an hour of duration . The main premise results to be a criminal spree carried out by a cocky killer who murders elderly women to take their apartments ; after that he refurbishes and decorates the apartments to sell them to gay couples with high purchasing power and to transform Chueca into a kind of London Soho area. The film moves in fits and starts most of which would be desirable , with more traps the viewer resists any kind , and some moments of enjoyment and others quite a few disconcerting . As the silly vicissitudes of the starring are so repetitive and the most part results to be rich in absurdities and implausibilities . It is one of the first Spanish comedies in which gays are main protagonists and they really take the surprising decisions and twisted initiatives . Hilarious and entertaining film , brimming with comic mishaps, laughs , sexy seductions, twists , and more killings . Rightly enjoyable but middling and fun-filled , milestone comedy which neatly combines humor , mirth , entertaining events and amusement . It achieved a big office success , though was panned by reviewers , receiving mediocre critiques . The protagonist duo , Pepon Nieto, Carlos Fuentes , are passable and sympathetic , though they give exaggerated interpretations . Attractive cast plenty of good actors such as : Pablo Puyol plays a killer who hides a terrible secret: he makes apartments available for sale by murdering the old ladies owners that live in them. Likeable Rosa Maria Sarda plays the eccentric Police Inspector Mila, a peculiar woman with many phobias , giving a decent acting , as always , and her son is amusingly played by Eduardo Soto . The hit of the show is undoubtedly for the veteran Concha Velasco who delivers one of the most enticing screen acting . Concha Velasco plays Antonia who is always meddling in his relationship with Leo, whom she despises. At the same time , support cast delivers an agreeable acting such as Mariola Fuentes , Eduardo Casanova , and cameo by Josele Roman .

Catching musical score by David San José and adequate cinematography with juicy atmosphere by Juan Carlos Lausín , though a perfect remastering being necessary . Being well produced by notorious producers Julio Fernández/Carlos Fernández from Filmax, that have produced successes as Transsiberian, Quarantine, Sultanes, Diario de una ninfomana, Bullying and saga Rec . The motion picture was professionally directed by Juan Flahn . He is a good craftsman , a fine writer and director as cinema as TV , known for this Chuecatown (2007), Hábitos (1995) , Fantasmagórica (2014) , Las Flores de Bach , Insomnio , Canguros , La casa de los Lios , among others . rating : 6/10 . Acceptable and passable .
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