Poirot: Five Little Pigs (2003)
Season 9, Episode 1
Fabulous production.
8 October 2018
Five Little Pigs is one of my favourite novels of all time, when you love a book so much it's so often the case that any adaptation lets it down somewhat. Not the case with Five Little Pigs, this adaptation is glorious. Very few changes were made from the text, so plaudits to the team involved for creating such a sincere, quality version. I was a little underwhelmed by recent productions like Dumb Witness and Hickory Dickory Dock, Five Little Pigs is all together a more sophisticated and sumptuous production. The first thing you're aware of us is how lucky the team were with the weather, it was filmed on days of glorious sunshine, that adds to the feel of the story, it looks sensational.

The production values are superb, it looks amazing, I loved the music too, indeed the overall flavour of the episode is outstanding. The performances are truly great, Rachel Stirling, Gemma Jones, Aimee Mullins are all brilliant. Aidan Gillen is terrific as the handsome but aloof Amyas Crale, perfect casting indeed.

It's so well paced, the contrasts of colours and textures really help with the flow of the story, you get the brightness of the past, and the harshness of present day, after the tragic deaths have occurred.

Story telling at its very best, 10/10
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