Allison Hayes: The babe with the power.
6 October 2018
Fans of trashy B-movies will no doubt recognise the name of Allison Hayes, best known for cult sci-fi classic Attack of the 50 Foot Woman. In The Disembodied, Hayes plays voluptuous voodoo queen Tonda Metz, who lives with her reclusive older husband Dr. Carl Metz (John Wengraf) in a remote part of an unspecified jungle. When a group of wildlife film-makers stumble upon the Metz's jungle household seeking help, insecure Carl becomes convinced that their leader Tom Maxwell (Paul Burke) has caught his wife's roving eye. He's not wrong, the wicked woman seducing Maxwell in an effort to convince him to kill her husband (although what he's done to deserve her malice is never revealed).

With no cannibal natives, no deadly quick sand, no man-eating plants, and no killer gorillas, there's really only one reason to watch this cheapo jungle thriller-to get an eyeful of the sultry Miss Hayes, who struts around in a slinky dress that shows off her impressive curves, and gets partially unclothed for some sexy gyrating to a bongo beat during her voodoo rituals. The rest of the film is forgettable nonsense, so much so that I already can't recall much about how it all ended and I only watched it last night.
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