Miami Vice: Forgive Us Our Debts (1986)
Season 3, Episode 11
Typical police investigation show
3 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Typical police investigation show with a twist. Crockett gets sucked into an investigation for a death row inmate Crockett put in jail. This is the reason police do not investigated assignments with personal baggage. A few twists and surprises. What I felt from the start was Crockett do not do this, which made me wanting to watch more. Something is not right here. Listen to the D A Crockett. The bad guy is just slime with a prison psychopath con act. Strong acting, music and style blends Forgive Us Our Debts with a twist from the typical police investigation episode. What the viewer learns and drives the story for Forgives Us Our Debts is the Crockett character lives by a moral code, with Crockett's strong personality which makes Crockett a great detective; and personality which can be used by an evil mind. The ending with the song We do what we're told to do is memorable.
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