It shows justice triumphant
30 September 2018
Interesting release, a two-part subject, and it easily takes first place among the regular offerings of the licensed group to-day. The script is by Mrs. Owen Bronson and Edward Le Saint put it on. Both deserve much credit, as does the cast of very competent players who took the characters. The whole trend of the picture tends to make it a popular offering. It shows justice triumphant; it takes pity on a poor girl who has fallen once and wants to reform; it rebukes the idle, spendthrift rich, and broadly takes account upper and lower strata of society. Al W. Filson plays the judge convincingly. Eugenie Besserer and Lillian Hayward play his daughter and wife as clearly and commendably. Stella Razeto and Guy Oliver have important roles and do good work. The staging and photography are in keeping. - The Moving Picture World, June 27, 1914
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