Cries in the Dark (2006 TV Movie)
Awful story
30 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This terrible thing has happened often enough and made into film. A pregnant woman killed so that a jealous and nasty other woman can steal the baby. It's heartbreaking and also sick. Here, the film portrays a pregnant woman that comes across a sex offender by accident only she doesn't realise this. The audience is led down the wrong path to think he was the one responsible for what happened. When the lady is found dead, they also discover that her baby was taken out and this was how she died. We later discover that her husband (who comes across as wooden and very emotionless) had an affair with this woman called Rosa. The woman playing Rosa couldn't have been more oddly cast in that role. She looks scary and has a very grim persona. The biggest question I'm wondering is why didn't the police ever ask the neighbours if they heard anything that night. When we got a flashback, there was so much shouting that it would've disturbed neighbours. I dont think this film was cleverly put together as it left holes and issues like that. I didn't enjoy the film that much as it was frustrating and hard to watch.
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