Review of Paterno

Paterno (2018 TV Movie)
'Everyone has an opinion buddy, what makes yours so important? Get outta here!'
28 September 2018
I watched this movie at home on DVD from my public library, my wife skipped it.

I have been a football fan all my life and, while I never was a Penn State fan (go Purdue!) I knew of Joe Paterno and how respected he and the Penn State football program were. I also clearly remember when the events of 2011 broke wide open.

This movie stars Al Pacino as Joe Paterno and, while he does fine I was constantly reminded of the actor by his raspy voice. Paterno had a calm smooth voice, even near the end.

Still the movie is a good dramatization of the events of 2011 that led to Paterno's firing, just a couple of months before his death, when the details of former coach Sandusky's activities with young boys became fully known.

It was argued, and it seems plausible, that as head of the football program Paterno should have known more and should have done more earlier in the Sandusky case, so he was fired in November 2011. Paterno is portrayed as a rather simple man who focused so much on the football and preparation for next games that he was either unaware of Sandusky's activities or just wanted them to go away without his strong involvement.

A good movie of a sad chapter in college football programs.
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