Could have been great
28 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
What started as a phenomenal well acted beautifully shot interesting take on a zombie movie starts flatlining at the end with humans doing stupid nonsense

Spoilers: There are a few scenes where people self sacrifice and I love it. If it's done well and has a purpose. One of the mains gives up his life to hold a door. Cool! makes sense. We all liked that guy now we're sad. Then for no reason at all one of the old ladies just hangs out staring at her friend and gets attacked. Umm what? Want even more dumb? The lady who watches her friend die is like hmmm I wanna die or something. Not really clear but opens up a door to let in a horde of zombies. Why? Who knows. Do you care? Not really. A sports guy running with the sports girl go into a train and after spending the whole movie keeping train doors closed behind them, you know: cause zombies, they don't and she gets attacked because jerk guy is alive and screws then over so sports guy could leave since everyone has died and turned and he's like nah let's hug it out. She eats him. The rest becomes a tense struggle for survival as the train conductor leaves the train for some reason to help jerk guy. Not sure what his plan was. No weapon and obviously no fighting ability so -dead then the ending is so dumb that it boggles my mind someone was like "green light this baby." Have the main character fight off jerk guy, who's in the process of changing but wait until he goes full zombie instead of kicking him in the crotch and throwing him off the train. So his solution: oh man you're gonna love this, he comes behind jerk and can grab him anywhere: feet, stomach, arms but no shoves his hand right in his mouth. Because yummy. So he's dead and could have been a reason other than to kill off the cast a few days into shooting for eating into the budget Then the very end they stop the train in front of creepy tunnel and soldiers on other side about to shoot and stop when they hear the girl singing because why wouldn't you sing in a dark tunnel when you've BEEN CHASED BY ZOMBIES FOR 2 HOURS AND CANT SEE $HHT???
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