American Horror Story: Forbidden Fruit (2018)
Season 8, Episode 3
Wow a huge improvement
27 September 2018
This episode is THE episode that will bring back a huge chunk of the fan base from previous seasons. There is a lot of character development from Mallory, Langdon, Dinah, Ms. Mead, Venable, and Brock. Coco is sadly still stale as a character and still very much annoying BUT something tells me she might pull a 180 soon.

Langdon easily feels as threatening as Frances Conroy's Angel of Death character in Asylum and not like a Twilight vampire like I previously reviewed. We also get some action going on this episode with a faux flashback sequence by one of the characters which gave me Kill Bill vibes. Copperhead vs Black Mamba anyone?

Be warned though everything is changing this episode. Something wicked this way comes.

After giving the first episode an abysmal review and a 3 rating followed by a 6 for the second episode it feels like this season will continue getting better.
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