Great buildup
24 September 2018
This is the first part of the Season 8 finale and some of it does seem like too much is set up. The ponies discover that magic is disappearing all around Equestria. Cozy Glow tells them that it could be Tirek. Twilight gets Starlight Glimmer to take care of the school while she's gone. Cozy Glow then appears as the new teacher. Chancellor Neighsay thinks the Student 6 are responsible and imprisons them.

Sandbar (the lone pony of them) says he's loyal to the ponies and Neighsay releases him. I'm sorry if this review seems too much like summary. The best part is probably how Neighsay is being set up as the main villain. It was interesting seeing those other monsters imprisoned with Tirek. He claims he isn't responsible for the loss of magic but does know who is. A little too talky, but it does make you anticipate the next episode a lot. ***1/2
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