Warehouse 13: Mild Mannered (2010)
Season 2, Episode 2
A superhero in Detroit
23 September 2018
This episode's main story sees Myka and Pete heading to Detroit where criminals appear to have been attacked by somebody with immense strength. It isn't long before they come face to face with the person responsible. He is wearing the costume of Pete's favourite comic book character; Iron Shadow. Myka has a theory about how his power works so contacts Claudia to help identify the artefact supplying that power. Meanwhile back at the warehouse Artie keeps seeing the late James MacPherson; he doesn't believe it to be a ghost or his imagination. Tension is still high between Claudia and Leena and the latter is suffering headaches.

This was a rather fun episode. It wasn't immediately obvious who was in the Iron Shadow costume but neither was it a surprise when the wearer was revealed. The idea of somebody using an artefact to become a superhero fits in with the feel of the show and makes a change from people using them in more selfish ways. The events back at the warehouse were entertaining enough but definitely secondary to the main story. The cast did a solid job; it was particularly fun seeing Jewel Staite and Sean Mahar, of 'Firefly' fame, working together again. The action was pretty good; especially the finale which included an amusing twist. Overall not the best episode but still plenty of fun.
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