Review of Maniac

Maniac (2018)
22 September 2018
All flash. Like so much now it's not entertainment so much as a platform for people to talk about entertainment. But there's not much there except the MacGuffin weirdness of the show. The next problem is that even though it runs 7.5 hrs it's mostly windup. The first several episodes are prep prep prep and more prep. Don't ask what's going on because it's irrelevant. It's just staging. The last problem is that each ep is a little longer than it needs to be. Each scene is a little longer than it needs to be. Their series intro is a cold open that again, runs a couple of minutes more than it should.

The retro future Blade Runner visuals are nice. It really does have a PK Dick the future is dirty cracked and crappy feel to it. But not as paranoid, just extreme clinical depression. Quite cheery in a weird way.

On the whole it's a Meh. You'll probably like it if you're not interested in a plot arc or a coherent story or anything like a beginning middle or end or a resolution that makes sense. But that's fine because it's art. Or something.
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