Stagy and quite slow....and the acting isn't especially good as well.
20 September 2018
"Before Morning" was originally a play and it looks as if they were filming a play when they made this movie. This is NOT a good thing....as the acting is very stagy, there's no incidental music and the pace is glacially slow. It's a shame, as the basic idea of the story isn't bad at all.

An actress is planning on getting married and she tells a male friend about this. The man isn't feeling very good and goes to her bedroom to lie down. Soon, however, she finds the friend is dead and she is worried what the man's wife will think. Nothing happened unseemly, but she's worried about the appearance of impropriety. One of her friends recommends they call a trusted doctor (Leo Carillo). Unfortunately, this plan is not a good one, as the doctor is evil and uses this as an opportunity to shake down the actress as well as the man's wife!

As I said, the idea was interesting...the execution was clunky and dull. I blame the director for this...as the pacing and acting are his responsibility. It also didn't help that the big twist came long before the movie ended and the film kept dragging on and on afterwards.
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