BoJack Horseman: The Showstopper (2018)
Season 5, Episode 11
An insanely mesmerizing piece of art, once again
16 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I have never written a review on IMDb, but for this show, I just had to get verified and say how wonderfully beautiful this show is. And it's not just for the social commentary or for the voice acting (while both are astonishing) but for the totality of its writing as well as its message. I say this is mesmerizing "once again" because of how much each eleventh episode delivers (and of course, so do the others) in the wake of heartbreaking tales as well as deep conflicts within Bojack's character. His struggle with addiction this episode, along with the damaged reality between what he's doing on the show and his real life action, is one of the smartest pieces of television ever written. This episode is funny at some parts, but also horrifically tragic and surprising, as Bojack doesn't even really know who he is anymore when he strangles Gina. Nothing in this episode disappoints and neither does anything in Season 5. Each season has a new theme, but keeps the characters and story intact, never letting the audience forget what Bojack has done. And we even ask the question, can we forgive him? Can we forgive him as much as the real public does with real celebrities who do the same things in a vicious scandal? All in all, this was one of the best episodes of television I've seen, and the best of this show. I cannot wait to see what Bojack's future is like in season 6 and I really, really hope the writers keep surprising, astonishing, and commenting in their insightful ways regarding the flaws, past, and present story of the one and only Bojack Horseman. Thank you so much, show writers, for giving us this rare and unique piece, as it gives more to think to the viewer than any other show can.
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