Review of Black 22

Jack Ryan: Black 22 (2018)
Season 1, Episode 3
"A Wolf Who Plays at Being a Sheep"
14 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The wily French intel officer Sandrine Arnaud offers a perceptive analysis of the character of Jack Ryan as "a wolf who plays at being a sheep." Instead of the mild-mannered bureaucrat sitting behind a desk, the forté of Jack is clearly in the field.

In Paris, the combined French intelligence corps and the American CIA agents Greer and Ryan follow the trail of Ali to a kind doctor who has befriended the wounded Ali. By using a video game, Ali gets in touch with Suleiman in Syria. He is given explicit orders to dispose of all eyewitnesses.

After debating whether to kill the doctor and his children, Ali decides to let them live, then makes a beeline for the border of France in the alps. Greer and Ryan convince Arnaud to wait until Ali makes contact with members of his European cell, prior to making an arrest. The Ali character is interesting because of his moral compass; he was once an art student who loved the paintings of Van Gogh and was an accomplished artist himself.

A new subplot is introduced in the character of young Victor, a skilled surveillance expert and long distance killer in a Nevada military compound. Victor sits in his cubicle firing off shots to kill suspected terrorists in the Middle East. After his most recent kill shot in Braideet, Syria, his co-worker awards him a dollar.

Troubled by the depersonalized and uncertain nature of his work, Victor takes his dollar bills to a Las Vegas casino and wins a whopping $24,000 at the roulette wheels. But he meets a mysterious couple posing as Tennessee Williams' characters Stanley Kowalski and Blanche DuBois. Victor is beaten to pulp by "Stanley" in his own apartment.

Hanin has decided that she has had enough of life with Suleiman and has passports prepared for her and her three children. But the cagey Suleiman is on to her game. After Hanin leaves with the kids, Suleiman sends two of his henchmen to bring her and the children home.

It is at this moment that the various plot strands intersect. In western Syria, eighty miles from the border, the two thugs catch up with Hanin. One of the men kills the man who had provided Hanin with passports. But when he then tries to rape Hanin, Victor defies the order of his superior to stand down and chooses to kill the man with a drone strike. Hanin then flees with her daughters in a race to the Syrian border. For his efforts, Victor receives another dollar bill.
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