The Predator (2018)
Decent monster movie, but a bad Predator movie
12 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
As far as action/monster movies go, this is a pretty decent movie. You can tell that this movie was intended to appeal to a wider audience from the comedic appeal (which was very well done). The humour wasn't cringe-y, it seemed to come naturally for the great cast.

However, if you walked into the cinema - like I did - hoping this would be an excellent addition to the franchise, then you may end up disappointed.

It's not particularly exciting, the characters don't feel as though they're in any danger (and when they finally are we don't really care), and the humour is done in abundance which undercuts any tension or fear of the Predators which would otherwise have arisen.

The Predators (2010) movie - whilst not a very great movie in itself - was a much better Predator movie than this.

Final note to writers: you don't have to add something brand new and evolutionary to make a good Predator sequel. A Predator is - as we have learnt through many movies - a fierce warrior, who is near unstoppable. So why then did there have to be a new Mega-Predator here? This was completely unnecessary and just undermines the power of the (now) "ordinary" Predators. And what was the purpose of the dog-Predators? There's quite a number of other issues I had with this movie, but these were some of the most glaringly obvious ones.

5/10. Wouldn't bother rushing to the cinema to see this if you're a die-hard Predator fan (although if you are then - like myself - you're unlikely to be convinced by this and will have to see for yourself).
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