Alaskan Bush People (2014– )
Breathtaking Scenery!
12 September 2018
I can't get over the preponderance of negativity for this show! If you want reality, watch a documentary for heavens sake! Since when are "reality" shows real!? They are ALL contrived! I watch this show because the cinematography takes my breath away.. the snow-capped mountains, the aerial sweeps of pristine wilderness, the glassy blue waters, and the crisp green woods.. veritable eye-candy for anyone who loves nature! I would watch this for the photography alone, but I also enjoy the Brown family and their lively interactions. I don't care if they are true survivalists or just a quirky family having fun on camera - I enjoy watching them! And while they might not be the sole force behind a building's construction, we are nevertheless seeing real trees get cut down and real flooding of valleys; it's not like this is a movie set made of spray-painted cardboard and styrofoam!

Many of the reviewers here criticize the Browns' intelligence and even their genetics, using terms like "inbred", ironically, in paragraphs littered with spelling and grammatical errors! Before finding out any true facts about the Brown family's lifestyle or background, I thought they seemed unusually astute and apparently well-educated for off-the-grid Naturalists. People just like to judge and gripe.

Personally, I like the Browns, I enjoy their adventures, and I love feasting my eyes on the majestic Alaskan and Northwest panoramas! Those who choose to ignore the production and entertainment aspects of this series, giving the show a one-star rating based on the fact that it is (like all reality shows) not "real", are doing an injustice to the production crews, producers, director, photographers, film editors, location scouts, consultants, and scads of other professionals who work hard to present a very viewable television series. If you want reality, you can always watch the C-Span network ;)
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