Andromeda: Pride Before the Fall (2005)
Season 5, Episode 12
Beka's new boyfriend is not what he seems
9 September 2018
The first thing I'd say about this episode is that if you haven't already looked at the cast list avoid doing so until after you watch as one character name would spoil the big reveal that comes at the end of the episode.

As this episode opens Dylan is in the process of acquiring a power source that could get Andromeda fully operational; then quake causes him to be trapped; he calls for help but Andromeda and Doyle can't agree on a plan and Beka is too busy with Peter, her new boyfriend. Luckily Rhade manages to rescue him and the power source. Obviously there are going to be more problems though; not long afterwards Peter tells Beka that he has planted a bomb on the Eureka Maru that will detonate if she lands or makes any outgoing transmission. He then approaches Rhade and while complimenting him starts a fight. He also claims to have mastered the Route of Ages and suggests the date isn't what Andromeda's crew believe it to be. Ultimately Peter's true identity is revealed; something some of the crew find difficult to believe.

Given that this is the hundredth episode of 'Andromeda' it deserves a good story and I think it gets one. Questions are raised and answered in a good way, some of these promise to effect the remainder of the series. Guest star Lochlyn Munro is solid as Peter; the sort of character one can believe Beka might get involved with but also one arrogant enough to accept what we later learn about him. There is some good action as Peter gets in fights with both Rhade and Dylan and plenty of tension as Beka searches for the bomb. There are hints at Peter's true identity before the big reveal; this reveal should be a good surprise. Without going into details the episode also provides one great moment that should have fans wanting to cheer. Overall an impressive episode.
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