Blood Fest (2018)
I had low expectations and unfortunatly this film still failed to meet them.
3 September 2018
After watching the previous attempts at films from Rooster Teeth i had low expectations for this one but it still failed to meet them. Shortly after the film began i realised that the story i had thought would be good was actually that of the similarly named Hell fest and the story for Blood Fest is actually much worse.

It quickly becomes apparent that the story is nothing more than 5 characters trying to survive an immense number of killers, that's it. There's nothing clever or interesting and most criminally there's nothing funny either.

I think the most damning thing about this film is that it's clearly had too much spent on it to be a really cheesy, laughably bad student film or similar but also hasn't had nearly enough money or skill put into it to make a genuinely good film.

For a horror comedy it fails at both, even the cameo's from RT staff just felt out of place and shoved in just to appease fans with most of them all happening within a minuet.

The one thing i will say is that while the writing isn't the best, it's a pleasant surprise to see that Barbara Dunkelman is one of the bright points in the film proving herself to be a far better actor than any of the other RT staff who have had roles in previous RT fans or this on, and at points she actually comes close to generating some laughs.

One of the most confusing parts of the film is the way they somehow managed to make Adam Ellis, who plays one of the killers in the film, somehow seem less scary or menacing than he does in real life, which is hard given his reputation of being a "gentle giant" but they managed it somehow.

I'm sure the hardcore RT fans will claim it's a masterpiece as they have with previous RT films and nothing anyone can say will convince them otherwise, but unless you are one of those people who believe RT only makes pure gold i would beg you to not waste your time on this film, it really has nothing to offer in terms of entertainment.
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