Here we go
2 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is all over the place in both crazy, interesting, and just plain stupid.

The crazy: So here we have two characters in there early to mid-twenties. Somehow the girl has 2 Ph.Ds and speaks six languages fluently. The guy can translate languages that have been dead for hundreds of years in a matter of seconds.

The interesting: The movie is basically a symbolic runoff of Dante's Inferno. Going through the Nine Circles of Hell, going through hell to get out of hell, etc. This part is interesting, but when watching the movie for the first time it is extremely confusing. In fact, it was so confusing I had to look up what the movie was actually about.

The Stupid: The majority of the movie rests here in the stupid section. We have multiple scenes that stuck out to me in particular. Such as the car on fire. The man is dragged into the fire by nothing and then is seen only with his legs dangling while the rest of his body is underground. Yes I understand they are in hell, but this is just so stupid. Next we have the stone. A one-time use stone that can heal anything and apparently bring people back to life. And then the main character realizes that "she is the stone". Do you understand how stupid that phrase sounds?

Overall, this movie was an extremely good representation of hell. However, it is so confusing and some parts are so unrealistic and stupid that I myself was heard just laughing at the sheer stupidity of the writers.

My rating originally started at a 3/10 but I increased it to 5/10 after reading the symbolism of the movie.
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