Strictly for people who think awkward equals funny
1 September 2018
Uh... Err... Ummm... I... uh... yeah... No I mean... Yeah... Um... Uh...

If the above nonsense is hysterical for you, you'll probably like The Boy Downstairs. Characters with nothing interesting about them, not even on a molecular level, a story that's been done and re-done to death in movies, good sitcoms, bad sitcoms, and all the mediocre sitcoms in between... All that could be forgiven and forgotten, of course, if the whole thing was more than the sum of its parts: A funny movie, or a charming movie, or something that would at least hold the viewer's interest. Sorry, but no.

There is probably a target audience for this, no doubt about that. People who in their own minds star in Woody Allen movies, people who see some characters in a movie and go "OMG that's me! That girl is just-like-me!" and therefore give it 10 stars... People who want to declare a national emergency for any minute crisis they face (and I needn't point out that this "crisis" is always about an ex). People who think awkwardness, nervousness is cute and funny, even a selling point to the opposite sex... People who spend more time at Starbucks than at work or school. People who think starting every sentence with a 10-second "Ummm... Uhh... yeah but... No I mean..." nonsense intro makes your words interesting... Check out the main character in this film: She NEVER speaks a straight line in the whole 80 minutes. Always going "ummm..... uhhhh...." first. We should be glad she doesn't work at an emergency call center. The whole building would burn down before she could say "Hello, what's the emergency?"

You may think I'm being too harsh, or I "just don't get it" or may want to respond "Just go watch Expendables 5, you insensitive ignoramus!" but no. I love dramas, comedies, "dramedies" as they're now called, and I love movies about young people's insecurities, relationships... on one condition: If they're done well. I've seen some good examples, by young directors, young casts, millenials, the social network generation. They put out some good stuff there. Sadly, this doesn't rank among them. It misses every chance it gets to be funny, or interesting, or just mildly amusing.
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