The Series AND The Movies are special.
1 September 2018
I watch way too much television and way too many movies.

I just discovered this exceptional series after watching several of the movies produced since the series. I tentively watched my first SS&D movie solely based on Mr Mabius' multi-faceted, excellent performances on Ugly Betty (another singular, well-written, remarkable and entertaining series chock full of talented actors, humor, wisdom, and a deeper understanding of the human condition). I am so glad I did because the entire cast is similarly wonderful.

I am a viewer whose viewing preferences tend towards the dark, serious, psychologically complex, and frequently, yes, such preferences include violence and explitives. (I mean no disregard to those who find such preferences antipodal to positive family values and morals). Nevertheless, no matter the viewing matter, unique and exemplary writing that honors my adult intelligence and fine, meritorious actors are, for me, the common denominator to most of what I choose to watch. This is, of course true of the SS&D movies and the series episodes I've seen so far, which move me in a way that simply nothing else does.

Yes, from the outset, the show's most obvious premise does require viewers to suspend disbelief (I cannot think of any form of media that does not - it is after all "media," which is an artform, not reality; even documentaries and news outlets have an agenda). The reward for such suspension is a chance to see and experience what unconditional positive regard and acceptance of each other looks like (especially including people never met before of varying race, creed, and color).

Does "unconditional positive regard" mean free of interpersonal conflict, loss, hardship, or syrupy-sweet discourse? No. Not at all. And because these elements of the human condition are included, is humor, laughter, and joy excluded? Of course not. One cannot be unconditional in his or her regard for others in an environment without conditions and diversity, or without people encumbered by their own frailties and limitations born out of life's experiences and expectations of life.

It is an absolute viewing pleasure to watch what is good, hopeful, and beautiful about human nature, and to observe and learn the lessons and behaviors inherently fundamental to the creation of more of the same in the world around us all.
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