Review of Black 22

Jack Ryan: Black 22 (2018)
Season 1, Episode 3
An Uneventful Episode
31 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I consider this to be a 'bridge' episode. Meaning it's a quiet and primarily uneventful; one doesn't really learn anything new but doesn't necessarily break from the plot. It also is forming a pattern of having some kind of action scene toward the end of the episode and if that's what it's going to be like for the episodes after pathetically inane that would be.

Still in Paris, we learn a little bit about Sulieman's brother, he likes to draw and that's basically all we learn, oh and he doesn't necessarily do exactly what his brother wants him to do in concern to people he actually cares about. Sulieman's wife takes her daughters (attempts to take her son but he rejects her) and flees from her husband because he isn't the man she married at 16 years old. Are they ever? People change. Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. That's life.

Perhaps a subplot thrown in with an officer in the Air Force who kills people with drones. He doesn't seem to like it, and his wall of one dollar bills shows he's killed a lot. That's the action scene at the end where the wife and daughters are fleeing one of the men sent to retrieve them attempts to rape the mother and the Air Force officer kills him probably as a redemption for all the unknown deaths of killing (assumingly) innocents and here he gets to kill a bad guy.

Wasn't a bad episode just quiet.
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