I Origins (2014)
Fine... I guess...
28 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of those movies that has a complicated plo so I don't like it. I mean, not necessarily, because I am a fan of Cloud Atlas per say, but there was something unnatural about I Origins and especially its meaning. I did realize yes that it was a battle against science and spirituality, but I think this was not explored well enough in the movie. I think too many things just started and were so brief. I loved the passion the protagonist had about making an artificial eye for example, but halfway through the movie we basically lose this. The worm gets an eye, he is on the television... cool! But what then? Then he is searching for this woman lowkey believing her soul may be in the child. And I'm all sitting there going like bullcrap! I mean come on, it's obvious that yeah he was gonna find the child and be all spiritual and stuff, but please... like too obvious. But I did like how he found out because she was afraid of elevators.

I really did not believe the character of Sophie. She doesn't seem real, I think her character should had been developed way more than it was. However I did believe the scientist's character. I think there was some great acting and screenwriting put into him.
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