A Beautiful Love Story
26 August 2018
There are all these movies currently doing the rounds in Bollywood that are just flash and no substance. And then there are stories like these. Pure, straight from the heart stories of people that deserve to be watched. This movie belongs to the latter category.

India as a country is obsessed with fair skinned, thin people and everyone who falls out of these aesthetic distinctions, are treated as anomalies that are always ridiculed, often in terrible ways. This mentality has trickled down to every strata of society as is seen in this movie.

Here, a well-educated girl is ridiculed by her husband simply because she is overweight. Her good qualities are not seen and her weight becomes her identity. What's so sad about this film is that this scenario is 100% true. Prem Prakash Tiwari enters into an arranged marriage setup with Sandhya Verma. At first, Sandhya tries to get to know and love Prem, but he is adamant that he cannot love Sandhya because of the way she looks. His mentality has been moulded in such a way by societal standards that he refuses to introduce his new wife to his neighbors. Over time, this builds a barrier between the two and Sandhya gives up on trying to build a good relationship with him.

It is what happens next that is so beautiful about this story. Prem is jolted into a situation where he has to rely on Sandhya and she has to rely on him and then they start to realize what love really is. Looks don't matter. The heart wants what it wants.

The acting was spectacular. Ayushmann is fabulous as Prem and even though you want to knock some sense into his character, you cannot harbor bad feelings for him because he is so endearing! Bhumi was very good in her debut role and my heart went out for her. She was beautiful as Sandhya. The supporting cast boasted of acting stalwarts like Sanjay Mishra and each of them were perfect in their roles.

This movie deserves a watch. Soulful and heart-warming.
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