The bad acting is worth the watch.
23 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not going to detail the premise of the movie because it's simple. It's apocalypse, and the second coming, hence, the title. My favorite moment of bad acting is when Alba, the little girl, is quickly struck with a heart complication and she is lying on a table convulsing, or rather, shaking her body up and down until her mother comes into the room in which she immediately stops and is able to have a full conversation with her. Then of course, when the bit of dialogue she needs to get out is over, she dies.

Even better is that her mother goes to meet the devil at his temple, and two people are shown digging a hole in the dirt to bury Alba. They only get a few scoops in when they bring the girl out and point to the ground to throw her in the hole. The whole scene felt like they were burying a dead rat or something.

There all kinds of things in this film that just make me completely dumbfounded how it made it into the final script. When they are experimenting on the bees and waiting for the reaction, Dr. Cera's lab partner says that the bees legs are moving but the wings haven't developed even though the bees are flying around the cage. Clearly, his observational skills could use some improving.

I'm also partial to the end of the film when Jesus hovers in the sun to give a lecture to the camera. All I could focus on was his immaculate hair. I wonder what type of conditioner he uses because those golden tresses are luxurious. I can only wish I had such locks.

I really want to say that this movie is "The Room" bad of a movie, but there is just no humor in any of the bad acting. If you're bored, and you need something to play in the background while you are doing something else, this movie will probably suffice. Otherwise, just know that the acting here is likely the worst ever committed to film.
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