How to work toward a happier, healthier you.
22 August 2018
I should start by adding a caveat: I have been going to a Crossfit type gym, it is called Industrial Fitness in Ireland. It is not exactly the same but there are a lot of similarities.

The film set out very well some of the fundamentals underpinning crossfit and why it has been such a success. First, it's fun you get to train with a group of people who are all trying to improve their fitness and each of the characters in the documentary were all at different stages bu they were all training to become fitter while meeting new people and enjoying themselves.

Second, and kind of related to the first, it was great to see all the different people who take part in crossfit. From professional athletes who were using crossfit to improve their fitness to complete beginners who were struggling with weight issues.

Another aspect I liked about the film was that it was very motivating. Each of the story lines were very compelling. Whether it was the couple who were trying to get their franchise up and running or the single mom or the personnel from the defence forces and emergency services, you really got a sense of why they were doing what they were doing.

The film also highlights the community aspect of crossfit. It was one of the most interesting aspects of the documentary and captured very well one of the main reasons why I have stuck with it for the last year. Some might see it as almost a cult but if that is the case it is about the best cult going.

The director Bob Rose does a great job in weaving the individual stories in order to tell a bigger story and open up and show the world a glimpse at the heart of Crossfit.
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