Slender Man (I) (2018)
Laughable and Lackluster
17 August 2018
Literally THE worst 'horror' experience I've had across every medium. The acting is terrible, the 'scares' are hardly scary, and the characters are so unrelatable and easy to dislike that I spent most of the movie rooting for their deaths. The script is so poorly written and the story is unbelievably cliche and dull. The ending was quite depressing, which wasn't a problem for me as I usually enjoy that sort of thing, but it was terribly done and incredibly unsatisfying. The formula for every jumpscare is the exact same so you always know when one is coming, which takes the fun out of it, not to mention a majority of them are just fakeouts to supposedly get you prepped for the 'REAL' scares, which are stupidly tame. There are no truly unexpected scares. The titular antagonist is only on screen for about a minute throughout the duration of the entire film, and his portrayal isn't even that frightening. Every scary scene has way too much buildup and not enough bang, although it does get slightly creepier within the last 10-15 minutes, but even then it isn't worth suffering through the rest of the film. I scare quite easily, but even watching it on a huge screen in a dark theater I wasn't scared in the slightest. Honestly, I could not stop laughing at how stupid the characters and their choices were and and how unscary the movie really was. I had read plenty of bad reviews and even from trailers I could tell this would be terrible, but it far exceeded my expectations. An outstanding experience if you like to roll your eyes and laugh at bad movies, but if you're looking for something genuinely scary and interesting, this ain't it chief.
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