Review of Patient Zero

Patient Zero (I) (2018)
I got to see this at a screening
14 August 2018
I actually enjoyed this movie more than I thought I would, it was a fun movie willed with a good atmosphere and a decent amount of action.. Stanley Tucci was awesome in this one.

I found elements of "zombie" movies from the past.. there seemed to be nods to dawn of the dead, the original version.. but I don't want to give spoilers..

This is a very fun and slightly new take on the genre.. the idea that communication with the creatures can happen and that there can be a psychological battle going on is the game changer for me, and that's not a spoiler, that's actually visible in the trailers.. it's a twist I've considered plenty of times but I don't think I've ever seen it happen until now, not personally.

Again I love the atmosphere they created, it seems expansive, nothing about it seems low budget.. you have some good actors in this movie.. you don't have gore for the sake of gore, you have a story.. you have character histories.. you have tension and you have twists.. I really enjoyed it and I want to watch it again to catch all the possible nuanced twists I may have missed..
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